Nanolith – A Cyberpunk RPG

Nanolith is a cooperative, story driven role playing game set in a cyberpunk universe. Players awaken out of cryo sleep with no idea where they are or what is going on. 

They quickly learn that they are surrounded by hoards of monsters, and must work together to find the best path out of each scenario. 

Similar to many role-based RPGs, Nanolith scenarios are always played with four characters, even when playing solo. Players use the individual characters’ strengths as tools to complete objective puzzles. 

Vaa-Lith is the primary damage dealer, Ada offers healing support, Ashitaka is a tank, while Cora is a hacker. The controlling player will program Cora’s sidekick to deal additional damage to enemies, mitigate dice, and manipulate the enemy.

The game progresses through the use of a playbook where players will explore their surroundings and definitely encounter enemies. Players control their characters by rolling dice and allocating them to various actions and skills, and mitigate their rolls by taking stress. While stress will damage characters over time, it can and should be used as an additional resource to power up even stronger actions and abilities. 

Our Experience

We really enjoyed “waking up” in this world. The maps feel like puzzles that can easily overcome your characters if you are not smart about maximizing their strengths. While playing four characters at all times may seem overwhelming for some, we had no problem with it and found it a welcome challenge to manipulate the characters for their strengths. This way, you can also always bring other into the game experience later on to help. we never felt like we were personally tied to one character, though this may change at higher player counts.

Find out more

The Kickstarter campaign is fully funded as of the publication of this article, and everyone is excited to play this one. You can find out more about the campaign here!

Watch a full two-player playthrough with Frances and Anthony from Ant Lab Games